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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency local claims (by ultimate risk) on non-residents (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis developing Latin America and Caribbean not seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 10 92761
30 Jun 10 92486
30 Sep 10 106184
31 Dec 10 108070
31 Mar 11 114435
30 Jun 11 128637
30 Sep 11 111941
31 Dec 11 112706
31 Mar 12 116057
30 Jun 12 106164
30 Sep 12 106357
31 Dec 12 100204
31 Mar 13 102475
30 Jun 13 91769
30 Sep 13 92900
31 Dec 13 88360
31 Mar 14 91431
30 Jun 14 96656
30 Sep 14 93089
31 Dec 14 89392
31 Mar 15 82045
30 Jun 15 78308
30 Sep 15 66224
31 Dec 15 64679
31 Mar 16 71549
30 Jun 16 68808
30 Sep 16 31229
31 Dec 16 30771
31 Mar 17 33519
30 Jun 17 34896
30 Sep 17 35652
31 Dec 17 36757
31 Mar 18 39400
30 Jun 18 37198
30 Sep 18 38625
31 Dec 18 40309
31 Mar 19 42013
30 Jun 19 42023
30 Sep 19 39047
31 Dec 19 40999
31 Mar 20 34763
30 Jun 20 36988
30 Sep 20 35334
31 Dec 20 38620
31 Mar 21 36450
30 Jun 21 38737
30 Sep 21 37723
31 Dec 21 37511
31 Mar 22 41034
30 Jun 22 40165
30 Sep 22 41494
31 Dec 22 43156
31 Mar 23 45163
30 Jun 23 48563
30 Sep 23 47993
31 Dec 23 48163
31 Mar 24 52025
30 Jun 24 49530

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[a] Ultimate risk is calculated as: Total foreign claims on an immediate borrower basis minus Outward risk transfers plus Inward risk transfers